Eva keeps making this sound over and over, sometimes we think she means “clock” sometimes “cracker” and sometimes it just sounds like anything we want it to be. I wish we would find out exactly what she means. But by the time she is actually talking she won’t be able to tell us what that meant.
Busy day in the house. I went through all of the files in the file cabinet, hadn’t done that since 2005. It was packed! We also started working on some Christmas related stuff.
Quick little post tonight.
Rainy day and we are tired from the weather. Eva was adorable most of the day and sleeping the rest. Fun stuff ahead for tomorrow.
Also I upgraded to WordPress 2.7 Beta 2 and it took care of the infinite loop issue. I was able to turn off the Custom Fields option and that stopped it, once the post has cone up I can make any changes to that field that I would like. I can breathe a bit easier now.
I can’t say for sure, but in my experience, “qack” usually means cracker. Or snack in general. Or if she has a sippy cup with ducks on it, she might be thirsty, or if she likes to play with rubber ducks in the tub, she might want a bath! Gosh, interpreting toddlerese is fun
I think she’s starting a whole new language for her followers called “Eva-nese.” What “Qack” means is “I can’t wait to go to Florida and see Mo again…it’s been far too long and I’m most positive she would like to see me too!”
That, of course, is a rough translation;)
Mos last blog post..I’m going to Game 7!!!
Well that narrows it down. She loves snacks, and crackers, especially cheez-its. And she has a ton of duckies for the bath, she moves them from one side to the other in the tub. Yeah I think it is an all around word for now. She is getting more words every day though.
I think you got it but she already knows how to say Mo and she says it all the time. I know she misses spending time with you for sure.