Interview with Ian from

I sat down with Ian from to have a little demonstration of the site. There has been so much that has gone on with it since I did a little review of it months and months ago on Flatwater Tech.

Here are some of the videos.

Although we had some difficulties during the interview I later determined that they were all because of the limited cell service in the convention center. We had a weird dead spot for cell phones. But today I took and posted a new image.

I so need a new camera phone! My Treo 650 is crap.

Man, people at CollegeFest have been so awesome. I have had a great time talking with people and blogging the event. I interviewed quite a few people and had such a fun time. I’m off to see Whitestarr perform.

4 thoughts on “Interview with Ian from”

  1. Whats in that pic? I dont see it..

    btw, i went to and then to,
    It looks like a nice service and is still in beta.
    May be they can add up more feature later.

  2. The picture sucks because of MY camera, not the service. I am getting a new cameraphone soon. Beta is a good time to get into something like They have some good services on the way soon. I’ll be doing a full review of the site and services soon.

  3. Um, okay. Didn’t say you were complaining, just defending as to the poor quality of the images, that is my fault not the service.

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