Resident Juggler

Rogue Juggling Ball
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01249

Today was the talent show at school for the kids. Andy signed up to juggle. We were a bit concerned because he does not know how to juggle. We tried to encourage him to do something that he knows like his karate nunchuk form, but he insisted on juggling. So, we made a deal that he practice every day and learn to juggle 3 balls. I found him a few YouTube videos to help. Did he practice as much as be promised? No. Did he learn how to juggle 3 balls? No.

However, he ended up having a great time and people enjoyed his performance. What he lacks in actual talent he makes up for with sheer confidence.

Allison came to me in the morning to tell me that Andy was outside practicing. I burst out laughing because it was like he was cramming for a big test after not studying all semester. Then she told me that he had launched one of the balls onto the mud porch roof. I guess he was working on his big finish. I laughed all the louder and then went out and got his juggling ball.