Review: Water Game by Adventerra Games

Water Game

We received a copy of Water Game from Adventerra Games for free to play and review. Opinions are our own.

Being cooped up at home with the family has been a good way for us to spend time together. We also welcome distractions and play so when I was asked if we wanted to check out Adventerra Games’ new board game called Water Game I was, well, game. In Water Game each player is not only trying to win on their own but each player has to have a minimum number of gallons of water or everyone loses. It a cross between a competitive and cooperative game.

The kids and I sat down to play. I read the directions which were very simple overall. It was simply four pages of information r rather one page folded in half. So, the instructions were very quick and straightforward. You don’t even know how many times just reading the directions of a game put the kids off wanting to play. However, we were able to jump right in. Each player gets a little fish character to use to swim downriver. They also have a same colored round chip to mark how much water they have saved.In addition there is community water that everyone can draw from or donate to. The community water is where you have to work together. If you hoard all the water that you have saved then the other players cannot advance. If everyone doesn’t make it to the end of the river then no one wins. Plus, everyone has to make it down the river with 10 gallons of water saved. At the same time you want to save the most water to win the game.

As you swim down river you either land on frg spaces for clean water cards or the water monster which the kids nicknamed “Garble Knocker”. They were in a very silly mood when we played and this name put them in fits of giggles. Even though we were having a silly time we were learning habits for conserving water.

The other type of card that you can either land on or are forced to choose is a question card. These cards have water conservation facts on them and offer the player multiple choice or True/False questions. Each question furthers the knowledge of the player on strategies for conserving water or simple facts about water. The game is for ages 7+ but I think you could still play with those as young as 5. I can see us playing this game with the cousins this Summer or later depending upon the course of events these days. We may just have to send them a copy of the game so they can play themselves at their own home. The game goes for $24.95 and you can pick it up through the Adventerra Games Website or through our affiliate link to More about the game below.

WaterGame • $24.95 • Ages 7+
Academics’ Choice Brain Toy Award Winner
National Parenting Product Awards
PAL Award
Hot Diggity Award
2020 Tillywig Best Family Fun Award
No raincoat or umbrella is needed to play this game that shows youngsters the value of clean water. Can you save your community’s water from the water monster? Navigate the river to save as much as possible and help your neighbors.

WaterGame is very simple but provides a wealth of information on saving water and our planet. Cards with simple and intuitive illustrations show the correct habits to adopt to save water in everyday life.

Throughout their journey down the river, players answer quiz questions about water and move forward or back depending on their answers. Unlucky players must rely on the Community Water Tank, which depends on donations from players who have saved more water. If the tank is empty when someone needs it, everyone loses. For ages 7 and up, and fun for the whole family to play together! Ideal for 3 to 4 players.
Play can be completed in about 30 minutes.