I take Eva and Andrew to Free Comic Book Day each year (If I can) and we have a great time. Free Comic Book day takes place each year on the first Saturday of May. This year it is May 4th. We go over to Wild Time Comics and Randy does a great job getting the store into a very festive mood. Last year was awesome because Eva was huge into the Next Avengers and she was dressed as Torunn, daughter of Thor while Randy of Wild Time was dressed as Thor, she loved it.
This year with the Superman movie being released there are some fun Man of Steel related comics coming out that day.
“The Man of Steel is set to headline Free Comic Book Day 2013 (Saturday, May 4) as SUPERMAN: LAST SON OF KRYPTON #1 will be made available by DC Comics in comic book shops across the nation while supplies last.

This book is a must-have for fans eagerly anticipating the June 14 launch of SUPERMAN UNCHAINED – the blockbuster new monthly series created by comic legends Scott Snyder and Jim Lee – as the special issue also includes an exclusive sneak peek of that forthcoming series, flying into stores the same week as the highly anticipated new film Man of Steel.
In addition, this Free Comic Book Day exclusive includes the first chapter of the classic, best-selling graphic novel SUPERMAN: LAST SON OF KRYPTON – written by Geoff Johns and Richard Donner (director of Superman: The Movie), illustrated by Adam Kubert and featuring Superman’s epic battle with General Zod and the Phantom Zone villains.

For young comic fans, DC is also offering DC NATION SUPER SAMPLER #1, providing a sneak peak at two sensational series from the DC Kids line – BEWARE THE BATMAN and TEEN TITANS GO!. – this book includes two exciting, all-new stories for readers of all ages, based on new animated series coming soon to Cartoon Network’s Saturday morning DC Nation programming block from Warner Bros. Animation.”
I’ve been reading the Justice League as well as The Justice League of America since the New 52 happened. I’m really enjoying both books and love that Jim Lee is going to be working on Superman. I think that Eva will like the Teen Titans part of the DC Nation Sampler. She watches Young Justice with me and like the characters so Teen Titans would be a good fit for her.