Today I went to CVS to drop off some 3″ film reels for conversion to DVD. As part of the YesVideo group of Blogger Ambassadors I was provided with a gift card to try out the service. I’ve done the service in the past and have been very impressed with it. I was happy to find some film reels from my childhood, my early childhood. I found my first two Christmases as well as my first birthday and a bunch more reels of fun stuff. I am looking forward to seeing these again because I am sure that I haven’t seen these since I was in my teens. It will be great to see these again for the first time in a long time.

Placing the order through CVS was really simple. You can get more info at I went in and right to one of the Kodak Kiosks that they had in the Photo area. I was easily able to find the convert to DVD option. A couple of quick taps and I had my order placed for eight 3 inch 8mm film reels. The order starts at $19.99 for 100 feet of film which works out to two reels. Then for the 6 additional reels the price was $0.16 per foot. So the full order came to $67.99. That may seem like a lot of money but think about it. Do you know anyone who still has a working 8mm projector and is able to capture that movie digitally? I certainly do not. With YesVideo they have the projectors and have refurbished them as well as upgraded them to current technology. You will notice less flicker in the playback because instead of a bulb it is an LED light that is much brighter and consistent which makes for a better conversion. I saw this firsthand when I went to visit YesVideo last year.
Disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador for YesVideo. Visit to join the conversation. I am a YesVideo Ambassador. I’ve visited YesVideo and seen what they do. I’ve sent my own personal memories to YesVideo and have been very impressed with what they do. Opinions about YesVideo are 100% my own.
Aww, those will certainly be fun to see!
I am looking forward to seeing them again. I think my daughter will get a huge kick out of them.