Photo-A-Day #3939
Today was all about play groups, playgrounds, a Spinning Top and Operation Naptime. Despite it being Friday it was a good day. You might be saying to yourself, what is so bad about Friday? It is the start of the weekend. Well, for most people that is cause to celebrate. For me it is cause to completely flip myself upside down to sleep in the day and stay awake for the night. Many Fridays I have attempted to get Andrew to sleep. You might remember just last week where I had an awful time getting a nap out of Andrew. Well, today was pretty successful in terms of getting Andrew to nap and also for me to have some sleep time. He slept for 2 hours and I slept for an hour and a half. It isn’t ideal in the grand scheme of things but it was enough to maybe keep me from passing out around 4am into my keyboard.
Vlog Transcript:
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Hey this is Drew Bennett from Benspark.com and for those of you who are finishing your work week, I am begining mine. I work over weekend nights and so I’m looking ahead at 12.. 12 hours, 12 hours, 12 hours, 36 hour week crammed into 3 days of the precious weekend. Precious to all others, Weekend is work for me. So I’m just about to get ready to go but before I do I’m going to pick up a few things I have around here that are gonna go to my office desk because I’ve got no room on this desk. A lot of times I bring in my Loot Crate stuff. Some stuff I give away, some stuff I keep. So, you’re fortunate if you work with me and you like geeky stuff because sometimes you get some free stuff.
I always bring in the Loot Crate Magazine because I have mine kept together in my desk there. I occasionally read them so I’ll put that in my bag. Let’s see, I may bring in… these are all the Deadpools, so Deadpools Assemble. I think I’m gonna bring those in to display. I have those there to display. All of my LootPins, well, they were buttons before. I bring those in. There’s also some downloadable content. So I’m gonna unlock some downloadable content when I have a little bit of downtime. Ah let’s see, probably a Multipass, I’ll display that. And my Space Invader guy, my new Space Invader guy. Ah what else, what else, what else. I don’t know, I’ll probably hang on to this, probably keep this here. I have so many Loot Boxes on the desk there. I’m not sure I’ll keep all of them, but I have gotten everything. Keep all of them maybe.
Things that I need to kinda clean up around here. The entire office, the entire office is an utter, utter, utter mess. Still a bunch of stuff from my daughter. And I also was told that my office was not quite the pristine area that I thought before she moved all of her stuff in. Which is probably a little bit true. Because I tend to have a lot of stuff as well. I keep a lot of stuff in here that’s mine, that’s the kids’ that’s my wife’s. You can probably see if I turn over that way there’s a bunch of knitting stuff, that’s not mine. I don’t knit. Although, my wife does and she knits like, awesome. she’s really good at it.
Oh, okay. these came in the mail the other day. These are some more Funko characters that I got that are keychains. But as far as the keychain I unscrew the head, the keychain part on the head. Take that right off because I don’t need another keychain. So take that, pull it right out and here I have a mini Funko character. And I have my Iron Man. So my Iron Man and my Captain America are gonna do a little bit of battle this weekend. Maybe a few pictures ‘cause my friend Andrew. He’s been starting up the #BloggerCivilWar between he and I. So Iron Man is going with me. Also got Donatello and Raphael, Ninja Turtles. I need to get Leonardo and Michaengelo, add those to my mini Funko collection. Ah, let’s see what else, I’m not sure, I don’t think there’s gonna be anything else really that I’m gonna bring with me this week, this weekend, this week. I think I got everything that’s coming with me this time.
I did find a few things the other day while I was at the Toys R Us yesterday. I found one of the Star Wars Character vans. I think capitalizing on the fact Star Wars came out in the 70’s they made all these 70’s airbrushed vans. I found Princess Leia. that was cool. And it’s nice I found Princess Leia because this past week on Star Wars Rebels Princess Leia was a character on Star Wars Rebels. That’s really cool that they’re tying the Star Wars original trilogy with Star Wars Rebels which takes place before the original trilogy so it’s cool to see Princess Leia in a different role. It is also cool that they are coming out with a Princess Leia toy based on the Princess Leia from Star Wars Rebels. I saw the picture the other day and that was really awesome.
Let’s see, at Target they had Hot Wheels that were 10% off with the Cartwheel App. I don’t know if you use the Cartwheel app but it’s really good especially if you are playing LEGO Dimensions. The Fun Packs are 50% off with the Target Cartwheel App. So, I got a couple of Hot Wheels cars because… I picked a bunch of Hot Wheels cars up because they were 10% off. I know it is only 10 cents off the 99 cents but whatever. There was a few that I wanted so I’m probably gonna take this one to work with me although I do have a few Hot Wheels at work. Maybe that one too. I’ll leave this one home for the kids… and me. Let’s see.
Yeah, okay I think that’s all. Today was a good day. Andrew and I did Playgroup. We did Drop-In Playground and I told him that if he was going to behave then he would get to go and do something special. Now I was going to take him somewhere special on Wednesday but what happened was that he was atrocious. His behaviour was very bad. He kept doing dangerous things like push all of my Disney Infinity characters that are in big like a rubbermaid tub. Pushed those across the room to a lamp because he took a Spider-Man webslinger, web warriors toy. Flung the rubberized thing into a lamp and tried to climb up and get it out from the lamp. Dangerous behaviour for a 4 -year old. So, I had to tell him, I had to sit him down, you know this is dangerous behavior and we are not going to be doing anything special because of this. He also lost privileges to play Nintendoland. And that was because in the morning he actually took the Nintendoland game out and into the game. He’s 4 and the last time he took a CD/DVD out of the package he snapped it in half and I told him that he was not to touch those and he did it anyway.
I’m not unfair. I’m a pretty fair guy. He also took a big giant stick and went and was like whacking at my car when he was supposed to be getting in the car. I kinda lost it at that. My car’s a lease and don’t want anything to happen to it because I do not want to pay anything extra. If I still had my old crappy… crappy car, I would still be upset but not so much so. You know, ‘cause I had that one for 12 years, it was paid off and it was a piece of crap. This one’s still not that great but I still have to pay every month.
Anyway, today was a fairly good day so I took him to McDonald’s and he got a Spider-Man. There’s new Spider-Man toys at McDonald’s so he got this Spider-Man top.
Spider-Man Top Video:
OH: Heather get down from there, that’s a table.
ME: Let me try
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And he enjoyed playing that, he enjoyed playing ‘cause they had a playground so it was playgroup for 2 ½ hours. It was the playground for an hour and a half. I’m sorry not an hour and a half about a half hour 45 minutes inside. And then I took him the long way home and out like that. He slept for two hours. I got to sleep for an hour and a half so I’m a really as wide awake as anyone who is gonna face a twelve hour shift and who woke up at 7:30 this morning is going to be. So, fairly good day and I am off to work. Gotta go get showered and changed and head out the door. You know, so this is Drew Bennett from Benspark.com. You can find me at Instagram as Benspark. On Twitter as BenSpark. At Facebook.com/ImNotAFamousBlogger and also you can subscribe here. Please leave me a comment, that would be fantastic. I hope to see you next time that I’m here. Ah, let’s see, question of the day, question of the day. “If you’re gonna have a special day with dad what is it you want to do?” Leave a comment below and also subscribe below and if you want leave me a thumbs up. that’d be great. Thank you.