Photo-A-Day #4006
We received a Star Wars Ant Farm from Uncle Milton to use and review. Opinions are 100% our own.
The Ant Farm is not something I had thought about getting for the kids before I heard about it from my Uncle Milton rep. With two great kids who are so curious I knew that this would be something that we had to check out. I was right, the kids were excited to help me set up the Ant Farm. So, today the Ant Farm arrived and then a couple hours later the ants arrived. If you buy the Ant Farm you’ll have to send away for the ants. There is a special code found on the instructions so you can get your own ants for the farm.
Right out of the tube these guys were pretty active and exploring. This was something that the kids were wild about. Over time they are going to be learning more about ants and their behavior. They will be entering the interesting world of Myrmecology, the study of ants through the side http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/ant.html. You can see much more about the Ant Farm through today’s vlog and then below that is the official description of the Jakku Ant Farm.
Jakku Ant Farm: See the amazing underground world of ants come to life on terrain similar to Jakku, the desert planet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This special edition version of the classic Ant Farm toy is sleek and futuristic, while also coinciding with Uncle Milton’s 60th Ant-iversary since the launch of the original Ant Farm habitat back in 1956. Kids will learn all about natural science as they watch the fascinating behaviors of ants as they dig tunnels in the sand and build mountains within a memorable scene from the desert planet of Jakku. Includes sand and online code to order live harvester ants online. Ages 6+. SRP $19.99. Available Spring 2016.
nope,this is one that I will pass on,,the grandsons would love it but not in my house,,no way
I thought my wife would not like it at all but she was excited as well.