Have you ever gone to a Fourth of July event and saw people selling glow stick items for $10 or $15 or even more. That is a rip off and they only last the night. Now imagine getting a toy that lights up, shuts off and lasts well beyond that one event. Oh yeah and it makes the most awesome light designs in the air. You will amaze people if you bring a FyrFlyz with you to your next outdoor event. You can learn all about them and also see a gallery of different ticks at The FyrFlyz Website.
I think I’m actually pretty decent at doing tricks with the FyrFlyz. I am able to make designs such as those one would see if they were using a Spirograph (old toy from way back, my grandmother had one at her house and I’d draw with that forever.) Basically you are making fun shapes in the air. You start by holding the FyrFlyz by the two rings. Then you can either spin the FryFlyz away from you or towards yourself to wind it up. Then you can gently pull the rings apart and let them come back together. The toy will continue to wind itself as long as you remain consistent. I tried to get tricky with it and got myself all tangled up, but it untangled quickly and the tangling was my own fault for showing off. But showing off is that this toy is meant for. Doing tricks, creating awesome light shows. It is great for Dances, Sporting Events, BBQs, Block Parties and more. It is a perfect night time toy.
New Tricks are posted to the The FyrFlyz Facebook Page. That is where the community of FyrFlyz enthusiasts gather to share videos of their tricks.
You can even follow FyrFlyz on Twitter where they tweet out contests, new tricks and maybe even some new FyrFlyz. Right now there are three different FyrFlyz Available. There is the Blue Angel which is one of the best, I think. It has a static Blue LED on one side and a randomly blinking LED on the other side that goes through Blue, Green, Red, White and Purple as it flashes. This makes for a sweet light show. The Cyclone is something that I wish I had in High School. The colors are Green and White (static LEDs on each end of the FyrFlyz). Those colors were the colors that my school sported. Having a Cyclone FyrFlyz at the School dances or night games would have been very fun. There is also the NytFyr. This FyrFlyz sports two static LEDs, Red and White. This would have been great for my Grade School because our colors were Red and White. I can see this item being a big hit with schools as long as the LED matched the school colors. That would be very cool to see. All sorts of designs all over the stands.
If you’d like to win your own set of the 3 FyrFlyz then enter below.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this toy to review and blog about as well as give away as part of the SwagsGiving Event. Opinions about the toy are 100% my own.
Yea glad to be back, sorry I missed the first few . These are pretty cool. They say there are names such as rings of Saturn. Yes by getting a rotation going then pulling the sting out n in. I remember doing this with a Button on a string when I was a kid.
Happy Swagsgiving all!!
You haven’t missed the first two, there are still a few days left to enter. This year I did something different and made each contest 7 days long. So you haven’t missed them at all. Go back and enter.
Small Orbits or Saturn Rings are pretty cool! I wanna try!
sydwynder is cool and spinning stars as well
I’d like to rock an astronomical combo move: moon-craters into small-orbits into spinning-stars ending with the ever-popular saturn-rings.
That would leave my fans starry eyed.
Ok,,,they can do Flywheels,,,whatever that is,lol
The spinning stars looks pretty cool… it’s like an atom!
These look very cool!
Jacob would love the Saturn Rings trick!
Love this!! It totally reminds me of the Spirograph…and I like the shapes it’s like Celtic Knots or something. Snazzy! I’d def have fun using this at Disney!!
spinning stars and saturn rings
It totally reminds me of my Spirograph too! I like the shooting stars and sun wheels
Flywheels and hotspots! Coolness. God, my kids would love it if I won this.
I’d like to rock an astronomical combo move: moon-craters into small-orbits into spinning-stars ending with the ever-popular saturn-rings. |
Saturn rings is pretty neat!
Love the small orbits but a close second would be the fyrewheels.