Tag Archives: 5-Minute Dungeon

Doctor Strange, Skylanders, Super Mario and 5-Minute Dungeon

More Toys
Photo-A-Day #4222

So many things going on today. I went and took a bunch of things out of my closet so that I can find a few things for a new YouTube project. I’m going to be working with my friend Brian on a new channel called SteamDads. You can visit it through http://www.steamdads.com/. I had to go and get a lab coat, get the logo embroidered on it and more.

While I was out and about I found some Doctor Strange Pops including the Ancient One Pop that I didn’t pick up in California. The one I really should have because Tilda Swinton would have been so delighted to see it. You can read about that in my interview with her at Interviewing Tilda Swinton and Why I Should have Bought “The Ancient One” Pop!

I also found a Legendary Magic Creation Crystal at Toys R Us. I also did a lot with Skylanders Imaginators recently like loaded in all of my previous figures, magic items and traps.

I also found the last of the Hot Wheels Super Mario Character cars at Toys R Us. The last one I was looking for was Yoshi. I now have a complete set.

Speaking of character Cars I opened some Star Wars ones, too. A Jawa, a Storm Trooper and a Death Trooper.

And I wanted to tell you about the launch of the Kickstarter Campaign for 5-Minute Dungeon and it is fully funded. My review of the game is also on that Kickstarter.

My review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ4MWTBzSns

The Kickstarter Campaign – http://kckstr.com/5MDnow

5-Minute Dungeon Kickstarter Launches Today!


A few days ago I posted about our experience with 5-Minute Dungeon. Since that time I have played it with friends and coworkers alike. Everyone has had a good time playing and you will too. Even though I got a free pre-production copy of the game I’m going back and funding the game for another copy. It is that much fun to play. Here is a video that my family made while playing.

And below is a press release with Launch Day information. Please go fund this Kickstarter Campaign and get a copy for yourself, it is so much fun to play. Also, do not miss out on a great EARLY BIRD DEAL which will only be available on Launch Day, Today! Continue reading 5-Minute Dungeon Kickstarter Launches Today!