Tag Archives: Andrew

I Lava School

I lava school
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00049

For Andrew’s 100th Day celebration at school he and Allison made this sign. Each kid had to bring in 100 of something for a 100 Days project. Allison loves the little short Lava that was shown with the premiere of the movie Inside Out. It is a beautiful short and through that inspiration they made a volcano that is spewing Reese’s Pieces “lava” all around. It came home from school the other day and since we cannot keep a poster-board covered in candy we took a photo of Andrew with it.

Loves His Momma

Andrew Making a Card
Photo-A-Day 2.0 – #00009

I’ll admit it. On those nights when Allison goes out and I have the kids to put them to bed I tend to forget a lot of things that need doing. I get the important essential stuff done like bathing, teeth cleaning, prayers and meals. Not in that order. But I forget things like new medications once in a while. We end up watching just one more show or playing one more round of video games. Tonight Eva had gone out with my sister and while she was out she bought Allison a birthday gift. Andrew was upset because he didn’t get a chance to do that, too. I told him that my gift to Allison would be from all of us. That’s what you do when the kids are not old enough to go out shopping on their own.

Eva was the one who reminded me that the kids can still make cards. She was working on her card to Allison and I called Andrew in and told him that he could make a card for her. He set out to make a special Pop Up card and spent a good deal of time drawing a portrait of Allison. He looked at the one that Eva made of Allison when she was in First grade and first asked if she would draw one for him. She politely refused and suggested that he can do one just as well. So he did. I know that she will love it, especially the detail he put into it.