Photo-A-Day #2393
Today was Farm Day at Eva’s school. This is a very fun event that they do every year for the kids. There was a petting zoo with baby goats, pigs, bunnies, kittens, chicks and ducklings. Eva was really good, she knelt down calmly and let the animals come over to her. Then she promptly pulled her hands away when they wanted to get too close. 
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Photo-A-Day #1935
after work I took Eva outside for a little while to play with her farm. We had to come back in for dinner but we were able to pop back outside with Allison too. Eva got a new book today and she was “reading” it to her ponies. She set up the horse and the cow in the barn windows and read the book to them. She would describe what she saw on the page as well as anything that came to mind. It was fun to watch. Continue reading Reading to the Ponies →
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