Tag Archives: BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome

A Bit Off my Game

A Bit Off my Game
Photo-A-Day #1343

Some days don’t you feel like you’re just off your game? You can tell that this photo was something I took when off my game. I was eating dinner at D’Angelo and wanted to take a photo of the fact that I was there, there was a Christmas tree and also the mirror. Not the most compelling photo. It is raining and I think this feeling of being off happens a lot when it’s raining. It’s been raining pretty good here and I just feel off. Allison and Eva’s flight has been delayed so they’re not coming in until an hour later. Today I worked from home and when you work from home you can see everything that’s happening outside. When I’m at the office I have no concept of what is going on outside with the weather. But when I’m home I have to run things outside and I sit right by a window so I can see how dreary it is out there.

Today however was pretty productive. After work I took care of the rest of things that needed to be put away. I also noticed that there are many people who have revealed things in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome! I have no idea how anyone’s getting in to see this box. I did however find a few more things that I’m going to put into the box. Keep checking on the web and following me on Twitter to see what else is in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome! These folks found things.

Kat of Tough Girl Kat – dug around in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome and found a Retractable Modem Cord.

Magical Trevor of Nerdvana says Look what I’ve found!!! Apparently he snuck a peek inside BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome and found some Hard Rock Cafe Key Covers.

Lenny of my Secret Project is playing Dress up with the funky Tie that he found in The “Big Box of Awesome” from Benspark

Pete of My GPS CameraPhone is urging his readers to snuggle up by the DVD fire because that is a prize they can get if they Win a Big Box of Awesome from BenSpark!

Mo of We’re in A Fight went on an amazing adventure to find something. She was looking for Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome! What she found were the ninja claws of our cats.

Lynne of It’s My Imagination was able to find a Big Box of Awesome Contest and A Clue!

Today I also received a very important package. I can’t say much about it. That is, until December 16th. So you have to come on back here on December 16th to find out what was in the package I received today. Because what’s inside may benefit you or someone you know.

I noticed today on Twitter that there are a lot of people be nominated for what’s called the shortyawards. They are some sot of awards that have to do with Twitter. I got a nomination from Scott from AverageDudes. He nominated me in the personal category. He said that is because I post every single day on Twitter. And that’s true because I do post on Twitter I mostly post through Utterli. I’ve been using Utterli since Blog World Expo 2007 (and they were called Utterz). Every single day to post my photo a day. With Utterli I’m able to post to Twitter, my blog Google is Not God, and Flickr. I used to post to Pownce as well but Pownce is no longer around. I wonder how many other Web 2.0 companies are going to stop being around. At least with Pownce they gave me the XML files with all of the content that I posted there. While the content was redundant it’s still good to know that it was not totally lost.

As far as the ShortyAwards, I probably won’t win but I would love some nominations in the Personal Category if you like what I am doing here on this blog and on Twitter. Heres how you do it

To nominate someone for a Shorty Award, use the form on their site, or send a tweet similar to this:
@shortyawards I nominate @benspark in category #personal because… (but write something of your own).

And while you are at it, please nominate Ted Murphy of IZEA in the category of # #advertising. Something like this
@shortyawards I nominate @tedmurphy in category #advertising because… (but write something of your own).

I am always amazed at the connections that I make online. I’ve written about and even thrown a contest about Fry Sauce. Today I got a comment from Jim R. He used to make the fry sauce for an Arctic Circle. And he found my post about Fry Sauce and told me the correct way to make it.

The Weather Inside Ain’t Frightful

The Weather Inside Ain't Frightful
Photo-A-Day #1342

I have a new desk. I have nothing of mine at the new desk but I do have a new desk in a new building. This building is really beautiful and so it is high profile for customer visits. I have to clean up my act in this place. One really nice thing that is in this building is the atrium. Inside the atrium are many trees and plans and a water area. Each Christmas a giant tree is erected and decorated. This tree has 4 way stabilization action going on too.

Spent some time with Dad tonight, we went over to La Havana for dinner. I got my favorite, Vaca Frita. Dad got a pork and onions sandwich. He was impressed with the food.

A pretty quiet day around here. However one really cool thing happened, I received my first shipment of 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendars from Vista Print. They are awesome. I wish there was some way to make a product that I created, available to buy through Visitaprint. But there is not. These calendars are destined for The Preservation Framer to be sold locally. However, you can buy my Photo-A-Day Calendar from Zazzle or Lulu. The Zazzle one has all the titles of the photos. I was unable to put them on the Lulu one. And Zazzle has discount coupons almost every day. I just want to give everyone a choice.

Looks like Stephen The Dog snooped around my Big Box of Awesome and found something. Go visit him to find out what Stephen found in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome