In our house we’ve had two tablets for a few years. I won a prize at a conference and turned that in for two tablets, one for me and one for my wife. Well, they got old and wouldn’t run apps anymore without crashing so we sold them. We decided to go to a one tablet family and see how that would work. For the most part it works okay but I really liked having my own tablet. So, when I got the opportunity to go shop for a new Samsung Galaxy Tablet 3 at Best Buy you know I was excited to see the tablets for sale.
I’ve used Android based phones in the past, my very first smartphone was an Android based phone. I’ve also always had Intel Based computers going all the way back to the first Pentium processors. I was happy to see that Intel was inside the Galaxy Tablet 3 10.1. It is running the Intel Atom processor which has great speed. I could run all of the apps that I had amassed from years of using Android phones off and on and I knew that they would run fast, too.
So, I was off to Best Buy to go make the purchase and learn about the device. I hadn’t been in Best Buy in a while and immediately learned that there was a whole Samsung mini-store within the store. Well, not really a store per se but an area set aside specifically for Samsung devices including the Galaxy Tablets.

I spoke with the blue-shirt employee that was working that area. I think his name was Dave. He told me about many of the features of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 3. He explained that I could use voice recognition software built into the tablet to write posts or tweets or anything. I found that would be a great feature for me for many reasons. I write a lot of posts but I can’t always find the time to use the laptop or the desktop computer. When I switched to a job that would put me at home more time then at work during the week I thought that I would be writing a lot more posts and spending a lot more time with the family. I certainly am spending more time with the family but not as much time is available to write posts as I used to have. If I can just speak my post without using any special headset but rather by just talking to my tablet, then I can write much faster and get right back to playing with the kids. I really like that feature of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 3. Continue reading Intel is inside the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 3 a Rocking Android Tablet