Tag Archives: Bike Riding

Learning to Ride Bikes

Riding Bikes

Today the kids got new bikes. Actually I picked them up last week at Walmart. I had been waiting and watching the sales at Toys R Us in hopes of picking up some cheap but you know what, the prices there were terrible. At Walmart I picked up a Mongoose bike for Andrew and a Genesis bike for Eva. Both bikes were under $80 which is a price that Toys R Us couldn’t touch. Not with all their markups and not really a sale, sales.

The bikes have been in the garage and this past Sunday we had a babysitter at the house and we forgot to tell her not to let the kids in the garage. The kids wanted their swords to battle with and the babysitter and Eva went into the garage. Eva saw the bikes but to her credit she played dumb until we asked her about it today. She definitely did not tell her brother because he can’t keep a secret to save his life. He would have spilled the beans days ago.

It was a nice day so we took the bikes over to Capron Park to get the kids going on the bikes. Andrew picked it up quickly which was a bit frustrating to Eva. We should have started with her years ago. She tried and tried all morning and with some prodding, encouragement and challenge she began to get it. By the time we got home she was asking when we could ride again.

While Andrew picked up riding much quicker than Eva he also fell about 8 times. The last time was right before this photo. He has a big scrape on his nose and it is all red tonight. That last one made him cry like crazy but the great thing is that he kept on going, he got back on his bike, which he named Bullseye and then renamed Comet. Continue reading Learning to Ride Bikes

How Do You Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike?

Photo-A-Day #2364

Our friend Michele’s neighbor was getting rid of a child’s Barbie bike complete with training wheels. Well, the other day Allison got the bike from Michele and today Eva and I washed up the bike. I filled up the tires with air and it was time to get Eva’s helmet on and have her jump on the bike. She was very excited about riding a bike. I even got out Allison’s bike so we could ride together. Thing is we were only riding in the back patio so after 2 pedals I was already across the patio. Eva sort of got the idea but not really. Continue reading How Do You Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike?