Photo-A-Day #3949
Back a few months ago I applied for a program to receive a drone to review. I hadn’t heard anything for a long time and so I asked what’s going on. I found out that no one is getting their drones. Apparently there is a big old legal bruhaha. This sort of thing happens but has not happened to me in a while. I discuss it a little further in the vlog today. But when one door closes an even better, cooler window goes and opens. I’m not saying anything more about the window until things are further along but it is something very cool.
I found a Captain America Hot Wheels Monster Jam truck at Walmart this morning. I still haven’t found a large one like the Iron Man one but then again, that works for the whole Blogger Civil War thing I have going with my friend Andrew over at Mommy’s Busy. He is of course Team Captain America and I am Team Iron Man. This is heating up as we get even closer to the release of the movie.