Tag Archives: Brayden

Review: The Beatrix Girls – London Tour – Brayden

Eva with The Beatrix Girls - London Tour - Brayden

For the past couple of years that I have been attending Toy Fair I have seen The Beatrix Girls. At first I wasn’t sure if Eva would have much interest in the dolls but I looked a little deeper at them and learned that not only are they dolls but they are their own Pop group with complete backstories for each of the girls. The Beatrix Girls are Brayden, Ainsley, Lark and Chantal. The Beatrix Girls even have their own Beatrix Girls YouTube channel where they have different adventures and music videos.

Brayden with Doll Stand

The doll itself is very nicely done. Brayden came with a guitar and a doll stand. Eva loved her hair and her accessories. She is also enjoying the music from the band, which she had me put onto her tablet so that she could listen to the songs all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if Eva pulls her own guitar out of her closet to start playing around again. Continue reading Review: The Beatrix Girls – London Tour – Brayden