Tag Archives: Buffalo Wings

7 Years Timeline

Photo-A-Day #3650

Eva had to make a timeline for school. I picked up the poster board and printed out all the photos to go on it. After school today she and Allison laid out the photos in the timeline and added the captions and then Eva embellished it with a few drawings. I think it came out pretty nice.

Speaking of drawing. Eva is really getting into drawing. She did a ballerina that was amazing yesterday and tonight at dinner she drew a bowl of fruit and many other things. We went to the Boneyard for dinner for my birthday. I wanted their buffalo bacon wings. They were good. I think I prefer the ones at Natty Green’s though. I’ll have to go there soon.

Literally Assembling Avengers

Photo-A-Day #2570

Eva and I made the Captain America’s Avenging Cycle LEGO set. She loves putting the minifigs together. I promised her that we would do the LEGO sets today. I slept poorly and ended up just making the one set with her this morning and maybe tomorrow or Monday we will do the other. At least with this set she got to put together three minifigs. Captain America and a few of the baddies. I don’t yet know who the bad guys are and probably could search for it somewhere online but I’d like to be surprised when I see the movie with Uncle Mike. Continue reading Literally Assembling Avengers