Tag Archives: Capron Park Zoo

Visiting the Animals with my Little Animal

Photo-A-Day #3084

Tuesdays are tough days around here. We have a lot of running around to do on Tuesday and it can get a bit confusing. First there is drop off for school, I do that and then go to the gym. Allison and Andrew do visiting at Madonna Manor so Andrew and entertain all the residents at Mass and give Allison fits of embarrassment. Then Allison and I regroup at home for lunch and she goes to school to volunteer for the library, or I may do that one of these weeks (we both took the volunteer course and training sessions). Andrew hangs with me and Allison does that then takes Eva to Dance and runs back home for a quick family dinner and off to knitting and I wrangle the munchkins into bed.

While Andrew and I were alone this afternoon I took him to the zoo so he could run around and see the animals. Mostly so he could run around. That kid needs lots of room to move. We visited the animals. He obviously loved the Serval, he stood there looking right at it for a long time. We were lucky that it wasn’t busy because we could just do our thing at our own pace. Andrew also loves the River Otters, and honestly, who wouldn’t? They are so playful and fun to watch. It was a nice outing with Andrew.

Photography Lessons at Capron Park Zoo

Photo-A-Day #3002

With the Summer upon us it is time for some alternative lessons for Eva. She started out this morning doing some writing and this afternoon I took her out shooting… Photos that is.

I got a new camera yesterday and wanted to take it through it’s paces. I also had an old Kodak camera that I gave to Eva. She’s very excited about taking photos. We went to Capron Park Zoo to see the animals and take tons of photos. We walked in and sat down on the benches near the Splash Pad and talked about taking photos. With Eva I’m going to have to give her some quick short lessons because she bores easily and wants to go, go go. Eventually we’ll get to the more advanced stuff and learn a little patience along the way, on both sides. But she is very excited to get going and she even talked about wanting to take a photo a day. I can’t wait to see what kind of things she sees. Continue reading Photography Lessons at Capron Park Zoo