Photo-A-Day #4045
Today was Mother’s Day and we started the day with Church. Then I slept and Allison and the kids went to a First Communion Party. When they got home we had a nice dinner and gave Allison her Mother’s Day Gifts. As I said in my Sears post recently we got her something whimsical, something practical and something beautify. One thing was a Tinkerbell Garden ornament, a new Crockpot and a sweater. And Allison also got the new iPad that Xfinity sent me when I mentioned that they should have ordered sizes other than large for their Watchathon gifts.
In my video I talk about a contest that Hot Wheels is having right now on instagram. Then I find out that the contest is over. It happened so quickly. I really wanted to shoot my Marvel cars and make an entry into this contest. Oh well.