Tag Archives: Celtic Sorcerer

Interviewing Tilda Swinton and Why I Should have Bought “The Ancient One” Pop! #DoctorStrangeEvent

Bloggers with Tilda Swinton at the Doctor Strange Event
Photo Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

Two weeks ago I attended the Doctor Strange Press Junket, or rather #DoctorStrangeEvent, I was one of 25 bloggers there for Walt Disney Studios (Disclosure: All-Expenses Paid). We were privileged to interview many of the cast members of the movie as well as director Scott Derrickson. Tilda Swinton portrays “The Ancient One” in the movie and we had a very insightful conversation with her about her role in Doctor Strange. Tilda is very much a presence and she captivated us with her stories. When she spoke we all leaned in to listen intently and were drawn in with what she had to say. Tilda entered the room to applause and twenty five delighted bloggers. The moment she sat down I kicked myself for a big mistake.

Bloggers with Tilda Swinton at the Doctor Strange Event with me in foreground
Photo Courtesy of Dusty Pendleton

I did not buy the Funko Pop! of The Ancient One. I had it in my hands the day before at Hot Topic and picked up Doctor Strange, Kaecilius and Ashoka Tano instead. Tilda sat down and saw the toys in front of her she said, “Oh look… where’s the Ancient One?” She was very excited that there was one and disappointed that one was not there. I really felt like I let her down by not having one there for her to see. But to be fair, I did not put the Kaecilius one out because the thing is top heavy, not properly balanced and will not stand up. That’s okay because when Mads came in he knocked over the Doctor Strange Pop as any good villain would. But that is for another post. Today we are talking about Tilda Swinton and her interview, which follows below. Continue reading Interviewing Tilda Swinton and Why I Should have Bought “The Ancient One” Pop! #DoctorStrangeEvent