Tag Archives: Cereal

Lucky Charms S’mores

Lucky charms Smores
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01461

Occasionally General Mills sends me some of their newest cereals. This time they sent Lucky Charms S’mores to try for free. Andy ended up getting to the box before I did and he ate nearly all of it. In fact the bowl pictured was the only one I had. This was a very tasty cereal and we both enjoyed it very much. It should be on shelves now or hitting shelves soon.

Hot Cereal I Can Get Behind CinnaFuego Toast Crunch

CinnaFuego Toast Crunch
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01406

The fine folks at General Mills Cereals sent me this CinnaFuego Toast Crunch sample pack. It contained their new Limited Edition Cereal CinnaFuego Toast Crunch along with some regular Cinnamon Toast Crunch and some fun stickers and more. I occasionally receive packages from my friends at General Mills so that I can review their new cereals. This one was right up my alley because I love hot and spicy things. Combine hot and spicy with cereal and I think we have a whole untapped market to explore.

As for the cereal itself, it has a spicy kick to it, very much like those cinnamon red hot hearts that you can find around Valentine’s Day. Spicy but still with a sweet taste as well.