Photo-A-Day #4157
Today was the first day back to school for Eva and Allison. I took photos before school and then they were off. Andrew and I had our first day together in a long while. We worked on a couple of videos. He helped me do some trick shots from the Trick Shot Sports toys. It was a lot of fun working on this and he liked it very much.
Andrew and I picked Eva up at her half day. We went back to the house and Eva helped me start another review and that is something that I’m so excited to show you when it comes out.
When Allison came home we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. We were joined by my mom and dad and sister, Tara. Dinner was a great one. Everyone had a good time and we tried a bunch of new things. We still got our old standbys and favorites but there were new choices as well.
The school year is getting underway. Andrew is one week out from his first day and on his first day he is going to choose dinner. Next year we will celebrate on the same day.