Tag Archives: Crayons

The Doodle Roll: Review

Eva loves to color draw and doodle. We were sent two Doodle Rolls to try out and review. This morning Eva saw them and immediately wanted to play with them. The Doodle Roll is a very ingenious product. Basically it is a completely self contained doodling station. There are two sizes: A 4 inch wide 15 foot long roll with 4 crayons and a 6 inch wide 30 foot long roll with 8 crayons. The plastic case has space for the crayons and then the roll is contained in another space. You can open up the contianer for the roll and there is a built in cutting edge. The roll comes out so it fits flat against the table and doesn’t roll up on your child. Continue reading The Doodle Roll: Review

Focus on Color

Photo-A-Day #1924

Here are Eva’s crayons from the Ellis Paul Kid’s concert. They are sitting on top of her Melissa and Doug set of stamps. Eva loves her stamps. She usually gets them at Dance class and always asks for a few more. One day she came home with them on both hands, shoulders and arms. She also likes to give stamps to us. Whether we like that or not. Continue reading Focus on Color