Tag Archives: Custom Settings

The Latest Super Moon

Photo-A-Day #3382

In the next few months there will be two more Super Moons. There is one for August 10 and September 9. The Super Moon seems to show up on weekends when I’m at work. We can see the Super Moon out the window and it looks amazing. Tonight I decided to try and shoot the moon. I got some great tips from Zach Rosenberg a fellow Imagelogger. He gave me some setting to try in order to get a nice shot of the moon.

The nice thing about the NX30 is that there are two custom slots on the cameras. You can set up all the custom settings that you want and save them. So, when you are out and want to shoot the moon next month or the month after I can just switch to C1 on the dial and I’m all ready to go to shoot the moon next month. Now, to find a great place where I can take an amazing shot.