Photo-A-Day #2041
Taking a walk today while at work. I saw these reeds blowing in the wind and the bike path stretching out ahead of me. I’m pretty fortunate that I can take a walk during lunch along a waterfront. I love looking out the window and seeing the water. That is, when the automatic window blinds aren’t lowered so the view is obscured. Luckily and unluckily, right now the weather is a bit overcast and the windows stay open, it is dreary but still worth taking the walk.
Tonight I had a great conversation with three other dads and we are forming something very cool. My call was with Kevin Metzger, Daniel M. Clark, PJ Mullen and Daddy Claxton. I’m very pumped up for what we are goign to start working on. Look for this new venture in December.
Continue reading Swaying in the Wind →

Photo-A-Day #1965
I’ve decided to do a little experiment for the next week or so. I’m going to post up the Photo-A-Day photo but that is it. I’m not going to write anything else. I want to see if the photos themselves will prompt anyone to leave comments solely on the photo and not on any influence of what I write with the photo. I may write other posts in between those photo-a-day ones but I’m not sure. If something moves me then I will. The other reason I am doing this is that I am going to try and go to bed early for the next week or so. I have been burning the candle at both ends 5:00am wake up 12:00am go to bed. I’m hoping that the increased sleep will help me be more creative and rested so that I can deliver higher quality images for you to enjoy. I’ll also be working on further episodes of the Photo-A-Day Podcast. Continue reading Sunflowers in Rain →
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