Tag Archives: Dance Recital

Eva’s Dance Recital 2014

Eva - Dance Recital -2014
Photo-A-Day #3348

Today was Eva’s dance recital. She did such an amazing job. You could see the concentration on her face but also the joy of dancing. She was in ballet this year. We made a budgetary decision for one class only and that is what she choose. I think she was pretty happy with that decision.

Andrew was a little imp. He had been asleep at the start of the recital and then woke up and was groggy for a while. when he came around he wasn’t that interested in watching except for The Boogie Woogie Bugle boy number. He was dancing to that, it was hilarious.

Mom, Dad, Tara and Uncle Mike came for the show. Eva was happy to see everyone and Mike took a family photo of us.

Family Photo at the Recital