As a PBS Kids VIP (Very Involved Parent) I often get screeners of the shows on PBS Kids. We received a screen of all of the 5 brand new episodes airing February 17-21 of Daniel Tiger. Since Andrew really likes “D” we sat together and watched these episodes. I am impressed with all of these new episodes which are all about identifying and expressing feelings. With a 2 year old child like Andrew who hasn’t fully developed his ability to communicate in words let alone explore his own feelings it is nice to see a show that illustrates those feelings so clearly. The strategies for dealing with feelings of jealousy and frustration are ones that I know we will use. It was also nice to see an episode about empathy and learning to feel what it was like to be in someone else’s shoes.
I have a full Press Release about the episodes as well as some new additions to the Daniel Tiger site on PBSKids.org. Continue reading Daniel Tiger’s Big Feelings Week Feb 17-21