Tag Archives: Deadpool Movie

That’s Not Gonna Grow Back, Wade

Thats Not Gonna Grow Back Wade
Photo-A-Day #3961

I saw the Deadpool movie today. I have been waiting for this movie to come out for a long time. I think that ever since I saw the leaked footage I was hoping for the movie to be made. I was not at all disappointed. It was action from beginning to end. Despite the fact that Deadpool/Wade Wilson is a character deeply rooted in sophomoric humor he does have heart. I see this in the comic books and I saw it in the movie. The storyline that I’m reading right now is the one done by comedian Brian Posehn. In that you see that Deadpool has heart, too.

Ryan Reynolds is perfect for the role. His delivery is excellent. The movie overall was so much fun and so raunchy. The violence was very tough but not as bad as the trailer for The Purge Election Day. After watching that I was uncomfortable. At least with Deadpool the violence was mostly against the bad guys or mutants who were going to be fine moments later. I loved how many pop culture references there were in the movie. I loved how Colossus was a giant boy scout and his straight man to Wade’s over the top funny man was well matched. I also liked how the movie poked fun at everything. There were some great digs at Ryan Reynolds’ previous super hero roles and the studio and even Wolverine a number of times. If I missed anything it was because the whole audience was laughing and the jokes came rapid fire.