Tag Archives: dessert

Frozen S’Mores

Frozen Smores
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00225

Allison made some frozen s’mores for a party. These have chocolate pudding, a mixture of fluff, cream cheese whipped cream. Then the mixture was put onto graham crackers and frozen then flipped over and more graham crackers were added. They were quite tasty.

Have you Tried Caramel M&Ms?

Caramel M and Ms
Photo-A-Day #4401

M&M’s have a new flavor. They now have Caramel M&M’s and they are really good. They are also a little weird. They are like crunchy Rolos. The caramel on the inside is very much like the caramel in a Rolo and then you find that you have the crunchy candy shell mixed in with the chewy caramel. It is a weird mouth feel but the taste is very good.