Tag Archives: Dinobots

Dinosaurs of Very Little Brain

Photo-A-Day #2389

Been watching the Transformers Generation 1 DVDs with EVA. Today we watched SOS Dinobots. This is the episode where Wheeljack and Ratchet go and make dinosaur sized robots. To make them even more authentic Wheeljack decides to make them with very small brains. Then all hell breaks loose because these giant dinosaurs of “very little brain” do a few menial tasks and then start kicking the Autobots around eight ways from Sunday. That is, until Wheeljack uses some other doohickey of his to basically short them out. Next thing you know the Dinobots are deactivated and walled up in the base. Continue reading Dinosaurs of Very Little Brain

Dinobots in Transformers 3?

Dinobots in Transformers 3?
Photo-A-Day #1551

This is purely speculation on my part but I think that the next fan favorite that needs screen time would be the Dinobots. The problem is that Michael Bay will certainly make them his own and in that case means screw them up.

I think that Bay likes to reuse footage or designs so ultimately Grimlock will probably look exactly like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. It may not be the worst thing ever, I just hope that they keep my favorite Dinobot, Slag (renamed Snarl after Slag began being used as a swear word int he Transformers universe.) as Slag and as a triceratops that shoots flames from his mouth and horns.

As you can tell slow day in the imagination front. I’ve actually been up since 3 or so because I was having a dream about not being able to shut my car alarm off only to wake up to the sound of a constant car alarm. Then I went back to sleep into the same dream and this time a different car alarm was going off that I again could not shut off. And yes it was a real second car alarm going off. Annoying.

Well, I am off to Melrose for a 4 hour meeting 6-10pm for something that I signed a NDA so that is all I can say about that.