We received a copy of the Disneynature Blu-ray Born in China to watch and review as well as give away. Opinions are 100% our own.
I have enjoyed the Disneynature movies. I’ve seen most of them and they are fun and educational. Yes, they are narrated to give the animals human emotions and this isn’t super hard-core science information. It is edutainment and at least a starting point for a larger discussion.
the movie follows a number of different animals in remote locations. I love the beauty of the Snow Leopard and so the story of a mother snow leopard and her two cubs was compelling, especially in how difficult things turned out for her and those cubs.
There was also a story about a snub-nose monkey, he was adorable and while it wasn’t as compelling a story as Monkey Kingdom, it was entertaining and the monkeys were very cute. I am concerned how my kids will react when one is snatched up by their natural predator, the goshawk.
The landscape is beautiful and the bonus features on the blu-ray give more insight into how the film was made and what challenges the filmmakers had to contend with. It is another lovely movie by Disneynature that should stimulate interest in China and its animal residents.
And yes, there is a story about pandas, too.
I have a copy of the movie to give away. You may enter through the rafflecopter app below.
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