Back in May I took Eva to see SOLO: A Star Wars Story and we really enjoyed the movie. It was a great time for the two of us to bond over Star Wars. We have watched all the Star Wars movies together except for Rogue One and Episode III. We haven’t watched those because the endings are too intense for her sensitive nature. She is a very caring child and to find out that all these characters that she will end up loving will die (Rogue One) then it may be a bit too much. Then to see what happens to Anakin and what he does it might be too much for her as well. So we hold off.
SOLO had a great mixture of nostalgia and humor and I loved all the heist twists and turns involved. I know that many people said that there was no need to tell this story but for me I was entertained and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am looking forward to seeing it again when it comes out on Bluray and digital later this year. More details below.
Continue reading SOLO: A Star Wars Story Lands on Digital September 14th & Bluray September 25th