I received a five pack of screen cleaning wipes. Having a 3 year old who commandeers your iPad often guarantees that you’ll have a ton of fingerprints all over the screen. She also can’t help herself from touching the screen of my laptop, too. I also use a DROID and so that is always covered in fingerprints. These screen cleaner wipes worked great. The photo above is the after shot and this was what they looked like before that.
On the way home from work I was cruising along 95 through Rhode Island and something the size of a pregnant golf ball bounced right in my way. I hit it. HARD. Everything seemed okay for a little bit and then as I slowed down I felt some major vibration. I had a flat. I pulled off the highway. Luckily I was able to get to a regular street, pull over off the road and get to work changing the flat.