Tag Archives: Eric Carle

All Your Ice Cream Belong To Us

All Your Ice Cream Belong To Us
Photo-A-Day #1626

Dada had Eva for the day so he took Eva and (Uncle Mike) to Borders, Toys R Us and Dairy Queen. I had coupons and gift cards I needed to use so I wanted to go use them.

At Borders I picked up the book Career Renegade by Johnathan Fields. My Life Coach Kim Ann Curtin suggested this to me and since we are going to get started with sessions soon I figured now was as good a time as any to get started. So I picked up that book and also picked up a watercolor book for Eva. She did some water color painting at the Eric Carle museum and enjoyed it and so she picked out a TinkerBell book with the watercolors attached. It has been so long since I’ve done any watercolors.

We went to Toys R Us because I had a $10 gift card but I needed my Toys R Us credit card so I left the toy there and we continued to Dairy Queen.

I love taking Eva to Dairy Queen because it is fun to watch her eat ice cream. She barely touches it and it gets all over her. She was swapping my ice cream for hers over and over it was funny. Uncle Mike certainly had a laugh or two.

They're all mine!

Later on we went to my Uncle Rich’s place for a cook out. He even had a singer/guitar player there who was singing all the great soft rock hits. He was really good and my Uncle pretty much provided a nice sound for the neighborhood. We had a nice time and came on home.

Oh and this morning at church Eva’s timing was once again spot on. Fr. Gabriel (a priest we like and who Baptized Eva) was consecrating the host and we were kneeling. Suddenly Eva starts saying the prayer that we say for Grace before meals. The kid has great timing. After church we saw that Fr. Dave’s lawn had gotten “Flocked” It was covered in pink flamingos. We took Eva to check them out.

You've Been Flocked

And here is one of those weird but cool connections. Today I also worked on Kim Ann Curtin’s Website/Blog and on her Consulting Page I saw a testimonial from one Mr. Christopher Williams. Christopher is my inspiration behind the Photo-A-Day project. How small a world is that?

Poking Holes in it

Poking Holes in it
Photo-A-Day #1588

Allison and Eva went to the Eric Carle Museum yesterday out in Amherst, MA. They had a wonderful time with Allison’s Aunt and Grandmother. Eva had fun playing with everything there and also doing watercolors. While they were there they got cookies. All the cookies have holes in them in honor of the Hungry Caterpillar. Some may say a cute gimmick, I say, “Hey! Less cookie.” But really they are cute.

Today I worked part of the day at home and part of the day in the office. While I was gone a meeting got added to my calendar on my telecommute day (always the way) and I had to go in because I was the one running the program, Cooliris. I talked about it a while back and since that time have been talking with folks from Cooliris about the things I’d love to see different in the program.

The reason we were using my laptop was one of those limitations I was talking about and has to do with how I had to store images and videos. I went in to demo this to the group who was going to demo to our VP at some point. Well, that some point was right after we met and I was running the computer and explaining the limitations of the software. Good thing I shaved and had a tie on (NOT).

The demo that we had went okay and there were four teams there to talk about how to improve workshops that we do. Now I never talk about my company by name because it is very old and very traditional so when people were talking about using facebook and twitter I just about fell over.

I can safely say that with regards to those topics I was the complete expert in the room and jumped right in (once I saw an opening) and discussed options that could be done in order to set up a social network for our customers that we could have some control over (NING) and the ones that we’d be unable to control as much (Twitter) & to some extent (Facebook). I showed everyone the social network that was set up for Affiliate Summit and also the Facebook page for Dot Com Pizza and my Tweetdeck. Pretty sure there was nothing embarrassing there, at least my Milli Vanilli Video was at the forefront or anywhere to be seen for that matter.

Who knows maybe the company will need a Social Media “Expert” in the coming months and years and I can use my knowledge and talents for something worthwhile to the company. I stopped just short of Pokens but will maybe suggest getting custom ones that are more corporate and less cutesy.