Photo-A-Day #4099
Tonight is a mandatory holiday for my group. That means that I had to use one of my holidays and had the night off. That is fine with me. I like the extra day of no work and it was good to come home and pack up the car to head with the family down to the Cape. In my haste to pack up everything I completely forgot power cords for my phones and cameras. Whoops. That meant a trip to Walmart soon after we arrived. I picked up a couple of cheap charger cables and a two port usb plug to charge them.
We went to the beach, too. I contemplated taking my phone with me to the water to take photos of the kids and more video and even though it is waterproof up to a certain amount I figured that it would most likely get dropped so no water photos. The kids had a nice time in the water and the beach was so packed. I sat down to dry off an ended up falling in and out of sleep so I decided to head back to the house. I fell asleep on our bed for a few hours and got up for dinner. We made our way over to a friend’s house for a party and then back home to put the kids in bed. An early night for us but an early morning for Allison, she was up with Andrew at 4am. I stayed sleeping. I sleep well on the Cape.