Waking up for the Sunrise

Photo-A-Day #3422

I got up this morning and took a couple of my cameras over to the beach to catch the sunrise. It was lightly cloudy and would be a great day later on but I didn’t quite see the sun. I did get a bunch of nice shots and also played with the panorama settings on the cameras. I stood out on the rocks and took photos and wandered the beach and took more. I was using my NXMini and my NX3000.

We had a nice breakfast with my Dad. He made some eggs and bacon and English Muffins. The kids do enjoy the big breakfasts with Grandfather. After our breakfast we got ready to go to the beach and once we were ready we were joined by my sister Shelby and her son Dylan.

another beautiful day on the beach with even more time in the water. Eva more than Andrew. Andrew enjoyed going in once but Eva wanted to keep going back again and again. We stayed at the beach till about 3pm and then packed up to get washed up to catch a ride on the Carousel of Light.

The Carousel of Light is a beautiful restored carousel with hand carved horses and also two special chariots for wheelchairs. It was a beautiful carousel. I love shooting photos of the carousel horses and the kid enjoyed the ride on the carousel. Let me correct that, Eva enjoyed her rides on the carousel. Dylan did not enjoy it and spent the ride in my arms as I held onto the horse. Andrew was asleep.

After the carousel Allison took Eva and Andrew to the playground across from the library and I walked over to the Farmer’s Market in search of things to photograph. I didn’t see much that I wanted to shoot. We did pick up some fresh corn on the cob for dinner, though.

We headed home and ate a cookout around the big table. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and fresh corn on the cob. It was delicious and nice to spend time with the family.