Photo-A-Day #3447
There was a giveaway that happened with Lays and Skylanders for 3 different special edition Fire Bone Hot Dog characters. I was lucky enough to win one of them, the green flamed one. I love the look of a clear character with one of the major parts, the flames on the bone, in color. I probably would have had green flame on the base as well. I think that would have really made this version of Fire Bone Hot Dog pop.
I’ve got Skylanders on the brain because I am headed to New York tomorrow to go to a Skylanders After School Event. I attended one of these last year for Swap Force and had a great time. This year I get to go back again and bring along Andrew. The two of us in the city, that should be interesting.

Photo-A-Day #3260
I was home today and there was a knock at the front door. I was expecting the new Samsung NX30 but I was not at all expecting a huge box of Skylanders. I couldn’t believe it when I opened up the box to discover 18 Skylanders inside including six I didn’t have already from the upcoming Wave 4. At this point there are 3 figures left to be released. There are also some repaints that are going to be released, too.
I’ve been very excited to see the NX30 arrive. It is the next camera from Samsung as part of the Imagelogger program. It is a huge change from the NX300 that I’ve been using for the past few months. I’ve only gotten a few minutes to play with it but cannot wait to fully explore this camera. There are great features to each camera so I’ll try to provide a good post about the best of those features.
One Family's Adventures in the World