Tag Archives: Flowers

First Lilies of the Spring

First Lilies of the Spring
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01988

I noticed today that the lilies have started blooming around the yard. I’ve also noticed that they have begun to spread out more, which I want to happen. More lilies around means more beautiful flowers and less ugly weeds. The patch of lilies where we have the cats buried has not begun to bloom quite yet but soon enough we’ll see those as well.

I noticed today that my grill hasn’t been working very well so I have ordered some replacement parts and will be replacing the gas tubes and hoods so hopefully it will work better once again. IT took forever tonight to grill a steak and even then just didn’t feel quite right, even though it was clearly cooked.

First Crocus

First Crocus
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01529

I noticed the crocus are out yesterday. I didn’t think of it at the time to take a phone so I took one today after my Saturday morning Krav class. It was a good class and I was lucky to work with one of the black belts, Shawn. He’s a really good partner. I should have tried to stick with him into the next session which was a sparring class. I feel I can learn a whole lot from him. Classes were tough but I am glad I got myself there to go.

Tonight we had a pot luck at work. I guess if we have to go into the office it is nice to have some good food there.