Tag Archives: Flowers

Focus on the Crocus


Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00435

Spring sort of snuck up on me. I was outside helping Allison take in some groceries and I noticed that the Crocuses had begun to sprout. The first signs of Spring for me and I had almost missed them. Now that the good weather is here it is time to start some projects around the house. We always tell the kids, “Focus little Crocus” because it rhymes but I think it is more than that. Now with the Spring beginning it is time that we really all get focused. I’ve got to pull myself away from the video games that have been occupying my time lately and get to work on our next steps in cleanup and changing things around.

Pollen Attack

Flowers of Spring
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00146

The flowers of Spring are out and everything looks really nice. Everything except for the cars that is, covered in pollen from all these new flowers. My rhododendrons are blooming and they look great. The cat lilies are getting larger but have not started to blossom yet. They are so called the “cat lilies” because the cats, Oliver and Duncan are buried below them and as a tribute we planted lilies on top of their burial spot. We’ll have to dig up some of the lilies when we ever move.