Tag Archives: Flowers

The First Crocus

First Crocus
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00079

My dad came over today and helped me get started on some Spring cleaning around the house. We took care of the back and side yards so far. In raking up the leaves and clearing out all the stuff from the Winter and Fall we found the first crocus buds starting to get ready to bloom. They will be in full bloom in a few days, probably.

Pink Peonies in Bloom

Photo-A-Day #3711

I am always amazed by how quickly the flowers in the yard bloom. It goes from one day where nothing is growing and then all of a sudden. The side garden has a ton of annuals in it but we’re ripping that out to do some vegetable gardening. It is the dream to have a nice garden at some point. Maybe sometime way down the road to have chickens, too.