Tag Archives: Fortune

You May Attend a Party Where Strange Customs Prevail II


Tomorrow Allison, Eva and I are attending the birthday party of our good friend’s son Matty. Matty is turning 1 year old. At first when I got this repeat fortune for today’s FortunateBluFrog fortune I was disappointed. I am not a fan of getting repeat fortunes but I guess if you open up one every day then you are bound to get repeats. I would have thought I’d have gotten more variety in the 3 dozen cookies I bought. However, This weekend I should have some brand new ones because the ones at home are from another batch.

Okay, back to the 1 year old’s birthday party. A birthday party for a kid that small is strange. We had one for Eva and will have one for all future kids of course. However, at 1 a kid’s birthday party is really one for the parents and the people who attend. There certainly are great customs like that 1st piece of cake.

For Eva her 1st cupcake was a huge deal, I video taped it and it was so cute. She made a huge mess and loved it. It wasn’t as epic as her 1st ice cream from Dairy Queen however. Now that, that was epic. (BTW We didn’t win the Dairy Queen Sweet Deals contest.) The winner was a someone with a creative letter to Dairy Queen. I thought that cute kid would trump all. I was wrong, DQ likes letters instead, wacky pun filled letters.

Apparently today is tangent day. I’m off all over the place. Anyway the point is that birthday parties for small kids have strange customs, birthday parties for pets are even stranger. However, any excuse for a party is a good one.

Fame and Fortune are Coming Your Way

Fame and Fortune are Coming Your Way

Fame and Fortune are Coming Your Way

Seems pretty straightforward. I just have to sit and wait for fame and fortune to happen, excuse me for bringing back a phrase from Wayne’s World, NOT! No one sits on their ass and is handed a fortune unless a rich relative kicks off and believe me that isn’t gonna happen to this non famous blogger. The name Mohegan is the favorite “Sun” in these parts.

Plan of Action

You want fame and fortune you have to work for it and you have to work hard. If you are part of the make money crowd then you figure that within a year you’ll be at John Chow status, not likely. Maybe if you wear T-shirts each week and shave your head you’d be as famous as shoemoney, wrong again. These guys had to work to get where they are. They’ve worked so hard to attain their notorious noteworthy statuses that whatever they do now looks like they aren’t working at all.

Learn as Much as You Can

I see so many people start off talking the talk but they cannot walk the walk. They do not take the time to learn from those who have gone before. Sure they have downloaded and read every e-book that is out there but they haven’t actually learned anything. Learning comes from experience, the trying and failing and getting back up to try again. Because the road is long and paved with failures many people will give up. Only those who continue to learn, adapt and evolve will be fortunate enough to attain that which they are seeking.

What Makes You an Expert?

I’m no expert, I’m not even a Famous Blogger. I just have the ability to look at things realistically and see the trends I’ve been seeing for the past 5 years and those who don’t learn, adapt and evolve constantly tend to stagnate and quit. So, that was today’s FortunateBluFrog Message. What do you think gets people to that point where they attain fame and fortune?