Tag Archives: Fun at Home

Gone is the Bunk Bed

Bunk Bed
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01673

Andy decided that they no longer wished to have a bunk bed in their room. Andy has been sleeping on the floor and moved the mattress there to sleep. Today I took apart the bunk bed so that we could get it out of the room and hopefully sell it. Andy was very surprised and excited to see that it was gone when they got home from camp today.

Fancy Night At Home

Fancy Night In

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00628

Tonight we attended the Tuxes & Tails MasFURade Gala to benefit the Kentucky Humane Society. My sister, Tara, got us tickets and even got us dinner from House of Fortune. The event was virtual and it was all to raise money. This is normally an in person big deal event and while it was virtual it was still a big del. There was a special guest DJ a band and lots of information on animals to adopt. There were also many items up for auction or raffle. We ended up winning an auction item and getting a couple of raffle tickets (no winners). In all it was a great night and the kids loved dressing up (that is a mustache drawn on tape on Andy’s lip). I even wore a collared shirt. I know, I couldn’t believe it either.