Tag Archives: gameplay

Unboxing The cursed Tiki Temple Adventure Pack for Skylanders Imaginators on the Nintendo Switch

Skylanders Sensei Wildstorm - Cursed Tiki Temple Adventure Pack
Photo-A-Day #4370

Activision sent me the Cursed Tiki Temple Adventure Pack with Skylanders Sensei Wildstorm, a Life Creation Crystal and an imaginite chest with over 80 parts.

Wildstorm is a Knight Battle Class Sensei of the Air Element and having him unlocks a whole new level, the Cursed Tiki Temple level. It is full of all new baddies and lots of fun.

I loaded in the character as well as the imaginite chest full of 80 imaginite items. Now I have a ton of new stuff to use to create new Imaginator characters. On top of that there was the new Life Creation Crystal and despite already having that design I can still use it to create a new character of a different battle class.

I noticed that the chest provided new ultimate weapons for the imaginators. One weapon for each battle class. Something I failed to point out in the video below. The video shows you more about the character, his catch phrase and much more. Of of the cooler looking characters to come along.


Activision sent me the gameplay video to use in my video. I am still working out how to capture great gameplay on my Nintendo Switch so that I can give you more gameplay videos. This new Adventure Pack releases on April 7, 2017.

First Shot at the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire

Splatoon 2 Global Testfire
Photo-A-Day #4364

One of our family’s favorite games on the Wii U is Splatoon. Well on The Nintendo Switch we are going to be getting Splatoon 2 to play. It is still about a month away but today (3/24/17), tomorrow (3/25/17) and Sunday (3/26/17) players will have a chance to participate in an ink-redible event, here the top 5 things you should do:

1. DOWNLOAD THE FREE DEMO: Just head to Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch and download the Global Testfire demo before playing. It won’t cost you any snails.

2. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: With ink, of course. Here are the times you can play to get tentacle-on time with Splatoon 2 before it launches:
March 24: 12-12:59 p.m. PT
March 24: 8-8:59 p.m. PT
March 25: 4-4:59 a.m. PT
March 25: 12-12:59 p.m. PT
March 25: 8-8:59 p.m. PT
March 26: 4-4:59 a.m. PT

Nintendo Treehouse was livestreaming Splatoon 2 gameplay during the first Global Testfire event on March 24 between noon and 12:59 p.m. PT. Tune in to http://live.nintendo.com to watch!

3. IN THE LAB OR ON-THE-GO: With the first Splatoon game, you had to conduct important cephalopod research from the comfort of your own lab. But with Splatoon 2 on Nintendo Switch, you can take the messy action anywhere you go that has a Wi-Fi connection. Maybe you want to choose an untraditional location to participate in the Global Testfire. It’s up to you!

4. GET PRIMED WITH A CONTROL & WEAPON OVERVIEW: Research can be conducted with either a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller or Joy-Con controllers. Splat Dualies are a new weapon type, while mainstays like the Splat Roller and Splat Charger have been remixed to allow for new battle strategies.

5. CAPTURE YOUR RESEARCH: An important step in the scientific method is to make observations. We recommend capturing your findings with the Capture button on the Joy-Con or Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, then later sharing it with your peers in the scientific community (or if you’re like our intern, use Facebook or Twitter). When publishing your research, please use the octothorp symbol (#) followed by “Splatoon2” or “Testfire.”