Tag Archives: Generation 1

Transformers Tuesdays: Autobot Roadbuster and Thundercracker

Autobot Roadbuster and Generations Thundercracker
Photo-A-Day #3950

Today’s Transformers Tuesdays I open up a Generations Thundercracker that I’ve had for a while and then I had an Autobot Roadbuster as well. Autobot Roadbuster is a repaint of another character in the colors of the original G1 Roadbuster. That character was my favorite character as a kid. It was one of those more detailed figures from G1. It was a great figure and I am going to have to find it soon. It is in my collection of Transformers that are all in giant rubbermaid containers.

Thundercracker is a repaint of an often used mold which is amazing for the seekers. I have a few other ones as well and will dig those out soon. That was one of the last unopened figures that I had in one box. Next week I’m breaking into a new box of unopened characters.

Transformers Tuesday: Generations Warpath

Transformers Tuesday: Warpath
Photo-A-Day #3936

With the daily vlogs happening on a very regular basis I’ve decided that I will make a portion of the Tuesday vlogs Transformers Tuesdays. I have a bunch of Transformers figures still in the boxes and it is time to start opening them up. Last week I opened my Seargent Kup figure and this week it is Warpath from the Generations line. The Generations line was one of those lines that I tried to collect because it re-imagined so many of the characters that I loved from when I was growing up. The Warpath figure was pretty cool in this line. I had the minicon figure when I was little and seeing Warpath get the Generations treatment is awesome. Warpath was a bit of a silly character. He kept on blurting out all sorts of interjections like “Blam!” and “Zowee!”. Other than that silliness he was a pretty heroic character for his size.

I wonder which one I’ll open next week. More on the vlog.