Andrew Graduated from Kindergarten today. After the graduation ceremony we took some photos including the one above. This is a bittersweet photo for me because it is of the three Andrews. My grandfather passed away last month and he was also an Andrew. Whenever we all got together we would take a photo of the four of us together. This photo is the first with the remaining three. I cherish that we were able to have 4 generations in one photo so many times. It is an important family legacy to be a part of. It is more than us having the same name, it is what my father and his father imparted to me over my lifetime and what I strive to impart to my own son.
Today was Eva’s graduation from Kindergarten. We could not be any more prouder of what she has done this past year in school. She had exemplary marks from her teacher and nothing but praise from all of the staff at the school. I don’t think that we can express to her how proud we are when we hear things about her from her teachers.
We got to the school early so that we could get a seat. I hate saving seats, it is such an awkward position to be in. For one thing you are sitting there with a whole empty pew and people keep coming up to ask if the seats are taken and they clearly are taken but still people ask. Then I just get anxious while I wait for everyone else to arrive. Listening to people one row behind me bitching and moaning that they weren’t closer. I’m not meant for saving seats but the curse of always being early is that you are the one who saves seats. I think for Eva’s 8th Grade graduation I’m just going to find a seat in the back with a 5000X Zoom lens.
But the graduation ceremony itself was very nice. Eva was up there smiling from ear to ear. She was one of the only kids who smiled the entire time. And that was through her having a huge range of emotions over the end of the year. While she was excited for the Summer she was also sad to leave her friends. She is such a mature kid. Continue reading Kindergarten Graduation for Eva→