Tag Archives: Graduation

Kindergarten Graduation Practice

Photo-A-Day #3351

In less than a week Eva will be graduating from Kindergarten. She came home today and she set up the chairs in the dining room to face us. Then she took her stuffed animals downstairs and set them up to be students. Of course she tries to do this and her brother is messing things up while she is trying to do things. She got a bit frustrated but eventually he calmed down. Eva did some of the songs that she is performing in her own graduation. She does love a production. She cracked us up.

Eva’s Last Day of School 2013 – Graduation Night

Photo-A-Day #2987

Today was Eva’s last day at Little Blessings. This has been a wonderful pre-school for her to get her academic start. We were so pleased with the teachers that she had both years and it was a bittersweet goodbye tonight at Graduation. Eva loved her time at Little Blessings as well and made some great friendships each year. She was very lucky to be in a class of 7 total kids with two teachers. She certainly got the individualized attention that she needed to excel. Continue reading Eva’s Last Day of School 2013 – Graduation Night