Tag Archives: grand parents

Connecting the Generations

Photo-A-Day #3872

Andrew and Grandpa Bennett

Andrew and Great-Grandpa Bennett working on a song together. Andrew has been learning some songs at his pre-school including one, My God is so Mighty. We knew that he should sing it for Great-Grandpa Bennett. Well, he didn’t quite sing it when he was asked to but I did capture this moment between these generations when Andrew and his Great-Grandfather were going over some of the hand movements that go with the song. It was a cute moment where they connected through this song. We were at my Great-Aunt Millie’s house. I haven’t said much about this past week because I had been working on the photos for her memorial service. She passed away on Monday. I am grateful that when I came home from IZEAFest a few weeks ago I was able to visit her in the hospital and bring her a card that Eva made for her. Continue reading Connecting the Generations