Tag Archives: Hasbro

The All American Jedi #ChooseLightSide

Photo-A-Day #3839
All America Jedi

Today was a day off for the family. Eva and Allison were home from school and Andrew wasn’t at day care. I came home from work and the gym and slept for a while. When I woke up I brought down a bunch of toys that I got from Hasbro as part of the #ChooseLightSide / #ChooseDarkSide Program. I chose the light and so we got a bunch of rebel equipment. Much of it had to do with Chewbacca. I showed off my Black Series Chewbacca and Black Series Millenium Falcon. Well, I also got a Chewbacca Electronic Mask and Star Wars Nerf Chewbacca Bowcaster as well. I also received the Bladebuilders Jedi MAster Lightsaber and also another Extendable Lightsaber. Continue reading The All American Jedi #ChooseLightSide

Glad I Decided to Choose Light Side

Photo-A-Day #3836

Star Wars Choose Light Side

Leading up to Force Friday, the day when all the new Star Wars toys were released for the upcoming movie, The Force Awakens, I promoted the day through the Force Friday Countdown Calendar. That calendar was over three months of toys from the history of Star Wars. I got pretty excited about the new toys after seeing all that has come before. During that time we even introduced Eva and Andrew to the original trilogy. Eva has been enjoying the movies and we still have Return of the Jedi to watch. A little while after Force Friday I got a message in the mail asking me to Choose Dark Side or Choose Light Side. I decided to Choose Light Side.

Choose Light Side

What arrived was a sampling of some of the toys that Hasbro has released for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was pretty exciting to see everything in the box. Almost everything in the box has to do with Chewbacca and that is awesome. The remaining item is the Blade Builders set which will be a lot of fun to do with the kids. They’re going to have a lot of fun with that once we open it up. I may even have to get the adult Chewbacca costume at Target to take the kids trick or treating this year. That is, if the mask fits me.