In the next few months there will be two more Super Moons. There is one for August 10 and September 9. The Super Moon seems to show up on weekends when I’m at work. We can see the Super Moon out the window and it looks amazing. Tonight I decided to try and shoot the moon. I got some great tips from Zach Rosenberg a fellow Imagelogger. He gave me some setting to try in order to get a nice shot of the moon.
The nice thing about the NX30 is that there are two custom slots on the cameras. You can set up all the custom settings that you want and save them. So, when you are out and want to shoot the moon next month or the month after I can just switch to C1 on the dial and I’m all ready to go to shoot the moon next month. Now, to find a great place where I can take an amazing shot.
I’m part of a group of photographers that shoot with Samsung cameras. so far I’ve received three great cameras, the NX300, NX30 and NXMini. I shoot with all three of them but at the present time the NXMini is my go to camera because it is small and I can bring it with me anywhere. They always say that the best camera to have it the one you have with you. Occasionally one of the Imageloggers will post something on our private group page and it sparks the creativity of everyone else. Well, the latest has been a FoodWars of sorts. Imageloggers shooting great shots of really tasty looking food. There was a time when everyone shot Talenti Gelato which caused a run on that item (from the Imageloggers). This was my entry into FoodWars. Allison was at a conference today and so I stopped at Five Guys to grab dinner before work. I had my NXMini on me and used the Food setting to take the shot.
Speaking of the Imagelogger Program. One of our hashtags has been #DITCHtheDSLR. well, this coming Wednesday in Times Square, NYC Samsung is taking that hashtag to heart and if you are willing to Ditch your DSLR you can trade it in for a brand NEW Samsung NX30 SMART Camera ($999 value). That is a sweet deal and there are going to be many of those cameras for you to get. The event is running from 12pm – 6pm. The full details are in the press release below. Continue reading Get a Free Samsung NX30 Camera if you DITCHtheDSLR→